Sunday, January 2, 2011

To the Start of Something New!

Okay, without any further ado, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… I’m starting a blog!  There are several reasons that I have recently decided to begin this venture.  For one, anybody who knows me knows I love music.  The more I can listen to, interpret, talk, think, and write about it, the better.  Also, it’s the start of a new year so why not try something new that I haven’t done before?  All right, so here’s the challenge: for the next year I will attempt to listen, evaluate, and review a new album every single day.  That’s 365 recordings in any genre, time period, or format.  The only requirement is that I have not heard it yet!  I know this may seem like a daunting task but I feel that I’m up for the challenge.  I considered doing one recording a week, or even two a week for a total of about 100 over the course of the year.  After deliberating however, I feel that that just didn’t impose enough of a challenge.*  So here goes…  365 days.  365 albums.  To the start of a new year and a new adventure!…    

* I know, I know, laugh it up!  Here I am on the second day of the year to posting the first three entries, already (in the words of Bill Lumbergh) “having to play a little catch-up”… 

P.S. This entry was posted while on a plane, somewhere over Colorado.

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely looking forward to this. Hopefully it'll introduce me to some things I haven't heard as well. Also, I love writing and reading about music, so this'll satisfy the nerd in me.

