Sunday, January 30, 2011

An Explanation

            Okay, the few of you who actually read this blog are probably wondering why I haven’t posted anything for a couple of weeks now.  Didn’t he say he was gonna try and write an entry EVERY day?  What’s going on?  Well, this post’s for you! 

            To answer your question(s), I have decided to write a couple of posts a week instead of every single day.  There are several reasons that I have decided to do this…  For one, I currently have fifty hour a week job and am looking at obtaining another one!  Also, I got to thinking and decided it would be beneficial if I reviewed about 100 albums throughout the year.  That way, I could be more in depth and listen to each one several times instead of once or twice.  Thirdly, by reviewing fewer albums, I can spend more time on the blog itself.  This includes not only making it’s appearance better, but advertising it to more people making it’s existence known to a larger audience.  It doesn’t make much since to go through the effort of writing an entry for every single day if only two people in the world know about it (thanks mom and dad!).

            So there you have it.  The multitude of reasons why I have decided to change my blog.  By writing about 100 albums this year, I hope that I can be more informative, improve the format, and reach a larger audience!  As always, Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds fine to me. I do enjoy the posts, so make 'em happen however you need to.

